“Main settings” menu

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“Main settings” menu

GUI Terminal 21


  • Russian

Radio button for selecting an interface in Russian.

  • English

Radio button for selecting an interface in English.

System name

  • Name

Input module page [Appendix A]. The system name is used to identify the terminal. Sent on an outgoing call (Caller ID). Displayed in the upper left corner of the main interface window.

  • Date/time


Page with the list of time zones.

Date and time

The page for changing date and time. After changing the date and time manually synchronization with the exact time server is disabled (NTP checkbox is disabled).

GUI Terminal 22

NTP (checkbox)

Input module page [Appendix A]. IP address of the exact time server for synchronization.

Auto reply

“Enable auto reply” (checkbox).

Checkbox to enable or disable auto reply.

“Mute microphone” during auto reply (checkbox).

Checkbox for changing the microphone state during auto answer (disabled or enabled).



The page for changing the waiting time before starting “Standby mode”. The input value is from 1 to 180 (minutes).